Herzing offers interest-free student payment plans that students can utilize to finance their education. If you have a pre-existing student payment plan you can access the online portal to make a payment: http://njykei.xigsoft.com/online-student-payments
Herzing offers part-time student employment opportunities including on-campus employment 和 community service positions.
学生 will be paid their 联邦半工半读的 earnings every two weeks. 查阅工资资料, 可用的位置, 和 more information about the 联邦半工半读的 program please contact the 金融援助 Department at the campus or visit the following link: http://studentaid.ed.gov /类型/勤工俭学
所有 students who apply for federal financial aid are required to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 学生 are encouraged to visit the following website to fill out their FAFSA: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov /
Herzing大学’s school code is: 009621
In general, students may be eligible for Title IV aid if the following provisions apply:
- The student is enrolled as a regular student in a Title IV-eligible program.
- 这个学生是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
- The student meets the need requirements specified.
- The student makes satisfactory academic progress toward completing their program. Please visit the following URL to find information regarding Herzing大学’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) policy: http://njykei.xigsoft.com/university-policy-statements
- The student is not in default on a Title IV loan received at any institution.
- The student has not met or exceeded aggregate loan limits.
- The student is not concurrently receiving Title IV financial aid from another institution of higher education.
- The student has not met or exceeded Pell lifetime eligibility limits.
- The student does not owe a refund or repayment on a Federal Pell Grant, ACG, 国家智能基金, 或联邦SEOG.
For additional eligibility requirements please see: http://studentaid.ed.gov /资格/基本标准
如果你有工作, ask your 人力资源 representative if your company offers tuition assistance. Check for scholarships in your employee h和book 和 through the company website.
学生 are encouraged to research outside scholarship opportunities. When searching outside scholarships be sure to protect yourself by never paying anything to apply for a scholarship. Research each opportunity before you apply to check the validity of the scholarship.